5 tips for thanksgiving tablescapes

  Hello friends. Looking for some inspiration for your Thanksgiving table? I am. There are some key elememts to setting a great table. 1. Natural elements. There needs to be something green or natural on the table, whether it is plant, flower or some organic object from nature. 2. Candlelight. Nothing adds more ambiance than …

the white garden

Hello!! With all the craziness going on around me, I find myself jumping to the end of the enormous amount of work that lies ahead of me, to planning and planting a garden!  And one of those gardens will certainly be white! In fact, I have begun naming the areas of yard....the white garden, the …

heart and home

Hello!! Change always seem to bring a mixture of emotions. The bigger the change, the deeper the emotion. As I mentioned in my last post, we are in the middle of selling our home. Selling a  house is easy, selling your home is a whole different kettle of fish!! Moving is bittersweet.  When you actually …

the potting shed

Hello!! A lot has changed since my last post. Now several things have been running through my mind during the long winter months. Do I open a brick and mortar? Do I include container gardening services? Start an online store? It is amazing how one phone call can change everything! A realtor friend of mine …

a place to plant

 Hello! With spring finally here, my attentions turn to one of my true loves... gardening. Whether you are a gardener or not, there is something appealing about a space to call your own for potting, collecting garden related things. or just puttering. With so many options to fit every possible need or space, there really …

true confessions

It's true. I have a confession to make. I have a woodstove. It has been a love/hate relationship from day one. It is quite possibly is the best heat source you could have if you live in a region with winter. However, it is a decorating/design nightmare!! So imagine to my surprise finding images on pinterest of …

s is for symmetry

Hello friends! Summer just seems to be flying by and I feel like it has just finally gotten started! I enjoyed cool ocean breezes and came home to upper 90's and forest fires..... ugh! Wouldn't it be nice to live somewhere that has balance in the weather?! Speaking of balance.... (how'd you like that lead …